Monday, 14 October 2013

The number 1 marketing tool

Your diary - whether you use it in paper or electronic form - is your number 1 marketing tool.

Surprised? Whilst it isn't the most obvious answer, for me it is the key to running effective marketing campaigns. 

That's because taking your marketing plan and putting the key actions as appointments in your diary means you become more effective at getting them done. 

The act of scheduling them in means you are acknowledging that they are as important as your other work.

And by giving them a time to be completed affirms your commitment to getting them done. 

So try it - take your marketing actions for this month and schedule them into your diary. As you are writing, promise yourself that they are as important and commit to keep them by considering them as a you would a meeting with big group of potential clients. 

Add an additional entry at the end of the month to review your progress and schedule the following weeks' actions. Then prepare to be amazed at how much more you've achieved!

Hannah Sookias is the founder of Sookias Media and co-founder of The Effective Marketing Club. She works with many different companies helping them implement effective marketing campaigns and generate a return on their promotional budgets.