Friday, 13 December 2013

Overcoming the most common marketing mistake

In my experience, the most common marketing mistake made by all sizes of organisations is trying to aim your marketing at everyone.

This is because there's a ungrounded fear that by targeting just one group of people or companies means you'll miss out on business from others. 

However, by selecting carefully who you target, you become the top choice for 10% of your potential market rather than being one of 10 options for everyone. 

This is because you start understanding in more depth the needs and problems of that smaller segment and in turn develop your marketing to talk to them. This includes tuning your messages to demonstrate how you can help them as well as using the methods and frequency of communication they prefer.

The result is that you attract their attention, increase your brand's appeal and develop healthy margins based on the increase in perceived value. 

Hannah Sookias is a marketing consultant, trainer and speaker who works with many different companies helping them implement effective marketing campaigns and generate a return on their promotional budgets. If you'd like more information on how who to target with your marketing and how, please contact Hannah on +44 (0)1283 808460 or email