Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Joined Up Marketing

This recent tweet of mine got lots of attention:

#MarketingTip: 'Join up' your social media with your other marketing for greater effect (we can help if you're not sure how)

Certainly, from my own experience social media is often seen as an addition to rather than an integral part of people's campaigns.

However, linking in your social media with your other marketing can have a massive effect.

One example is when you are going to events. You obviously want to meet potential buyers and have meetings with them. 

Using social media can help you find out:

  • who's going
  • who's exhibiting
  • speaker topics
You can use this information to help you find potential buyers who are going, get to know them a little online and establish a rapport. You are then able to prearrange a meeting before the event to maximise the return on your time and investment.

Sookias Media helps businesses gain the most from their marketing through consultancy, training and marketing mentoring. We'll help you market your products and services effectively and  integrate social media into those campaigns.  

Start "joining up" your marketing by arranging an informal, no-obligation chat with Hannah on +44 (0)1283 808460 or email hello@sookiasmedia.com.